Published inTDS ArchiveIs AI Fair in Love (and War)?Measuring Racial Bias in Large Language ModelsMar 6, 20241Mar 6, 20241
Published inTDS ArchiveMachine Learning on the BlockchainHow I built a haiku generator to run on blockchainFeb 25, 20221Feb 25, 20221
How the Hybrid Work Model can Fix the Open-Plan OfficeThe move to hybrid work presents a unique opportunity to create a better work experience than either one of in-office or remote by itselfJul 23, 2021Jul 23, 2021
Deep Work: Summary & Key TakeawaysDeep Work by Cal Newport is about the value of and strategies for engaging in what he calls deep work.Jul 23, 20211Jul 23, 20211
Wealth Inequality in CryptocurrenciesA very small number of entities control most of the wealth in cryptocurrency.May 5, 2021May 5, 2021
Shallow Deep Learning — Using AI to Predict the Winner of “The Bachelor”AKA How to Build Unethical AI in Under an HourJan 27, 20201Jan 27, 20201
Published inTDS ArchiveUsing Machine Learning to Identify the Minerals in MeteoritesThis work could help researchers unlock the secrets that meteorites contain about other planets and the origins of the solar system.Feb 17, 2019Feb 17, 2019
Published inTDS ArchiveGenerating Haiku with Deep LearningUsing neural networks to generate haiku while enforcing the 5–7–5 syllable structure.Dec 29, 20181Dec 29, 20181
Published inTDS ArchiveNew York Seeks Haikus: Generating Haikus from NYC Government Job DescriptionsSix years ago, New York City passed a law requiring city agencies to make their data publicly available. Since then, over 1,600 datasets…Apr 19, 20181Apr 19, 20181
How Accurate are Groundhog Day Predictions? (2018 Update)Last year before Groundhog Day, I looked at how accurate Groundhog Day predictions are. How were their 2017 predictions?Jan 31, 2018Jan 31, 2018